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Cultural Arts Residency Programs

Around the Fire

With a focus on building community and sharing, Around the Fire is a residency where youth learn numerous art forms from traditional & contemporary dance, visual arts, drumming, poetry, rap, and storytelling. On the last day of the residency youth will share their art with each other and their parents. 

Visual Art Therapy

Community art practice can include people of all language levels and cultural backgrounds, give courage to the introverts and assist the extroverts to settle down. Visual art is a graceful regulator and beautiful way to expand collective consciousness. We offer group mural painting experiences using upcycled, salvaged and eco-friendly materials.

Information & Graphics Design

This program will take students through design concepts including colour theory, composition, contrast, and more to create aesthetic deliverables.  The purpose of this program is for youth to make difficult course material visually understandable, ideal for sciences and social studies and tailored to your curriculum. 


Hatha yoga is ideal for students and teachers to relax and replenish! This style is about active meditation: "ha" means Sun, while "tha" means Moon, making Hatha the Yoga of Balance. This practice so gentle and kind to the body that it's perfect for all ages, mobility and ability levels. After yoga practice students and teachers may find themselves more calm, happy and focused in class.

Spoken Word Poetry

Come on a voyage of imagination through guided meditation and mind-expanding games to create your own lyrical masterpiece, it's fun & easier than you think! Students interact to paint pictures and sculpt landscapes of words. Students collaborate and play to their strengths to create their own performance in a fully supported Poetry Slam style. 

Aerial Arts

Our aerial arts residency is perfect for gym, dance classes, or sports team conditioning as aerial dance is a full body workout. The first step of this program is to learn about aerial safety from rigging to spacial awareness, and proper technique. We will focus on aerial hammock in most residencies which is accessible for most youth, including those with disabilities. 

Social competency through Hip Hop & House Dance

Dance skills have tremendous social, psychological and health benefits for students and teachers. Both hip hop and house styles of dance arose historically as peaceful responses to violent times. We use the foundational moves of these dance styles to show how effortless and fun it is to move comfortably in the body and enjoy music with friends.

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